Who we are
Jieqin Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. Provides One Stop Solution For Plastic Injection, Mould Design, Manufacturing, Assembly, Testing & Validation Under One Roof. Jieqin has multiple technologies supporting a wide range of business, including die-casting, stamping, deep drawing, laser process, CNC, injection of variable dimensions, spraying, surface treatment and assembly. The company now has more than 8000 employees globally. We use advanced technologies & equipments to serve our most reputable clients, such as CAD-CAM system such as UG, Power Mill and Master Cam for CNC machining and rapid tooling. We focus on high end quality materials, skills and employees to provide the best quality parts and soft tools.
Company Overview
- Specialized in manufacturing of high precision injection moulds and production of injection molding components.
- Qualified and experienced manpower from reputed Institutes.
- Internationally competitive products with respect to quality, cost, lead time and reliability.
- Premium quality Tool steels, hardened through vacuum technology are used toenhance tool performance.
- Critical machines installed in dust free and controlled environment.
Company Mission
Grow with our customers by giving them the right quality, performance and the required choice. We are totally committed for total customer satisfaction by providing quality products. We focus on honoring commitments, understanding customers requirements fully & reaching beyond their expectations.

Company Vision
To be a world class organization having its wings spread out globally with focus on environment friendly and innovative plastic products. In order to meet the set goal, the company endeavors to be abreast with the constant changing market demand and clients specified requirements.
To grow with new opportunities & be the leader in an ever changing business environment. We are driven by our commitment for Continual Quality Improvement and exceeding our Customers Expectations. Customer delight through total quality & service shall be our guiding force.